Monday, May 9, 2011


Dearest JJ,

The past 3 years have gone by sooo fast!!  You are such a big boy now!  Where did my baby go??  (sniff Sniff)  There is so much to say both to you and about you...  I have loved every second of being your mother!! I love that Mother's Day is always so close to your Birthday because it allows me to reflect on the year past and all of the great things that have happened!  So much has happened this past year and you have grown a ton!!  Here are some of the things you have done:
*Started Preschool at the YMCA
* Started talking and now barely stopping haha
*learned your whole alphabet and what sound each letter makes
*can count to 30 on your own, count to 100 by tens, and count down from 10!!
*have developed a love for music and have learned several church hyms and primary songs
*can write your name and several other letters without help
*loves all sports
*hope to be potty trained with in the next couple of months :) 
the list goes on...

I am so proud of you JJ!!  You bring so much joy into our home with your fun-loving personality!!  You keep me entertained with the funny things you do and are always making me and others laugh!!  You are such a caring and friendly boy and here lately have been very polite (that makes me very happy)  You definitely have your moments when your active nature make for some challenging days.. but I love you with all of my heart and can't believe that you are already 3!!!
Love, Mommy
