Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween

JJ had so much fun this Halloween!!!  Last year he wasn't really old enough to know what was going on, but this year he really got into it!!  Between his preschool fall festival, and other activities around Charlotte, we definitely got our moneys worth for his costume!!  We were super busy during the weeks leading up to Halloween, so I didn't get all into it with coordinating outfits and such.  Plus it was on a Sunday so it just felt weird, not to mentions that "someone" doesn't like to wear costumes..... (JOEY) :)  I had a lot of fun watching my little boy enjoy all of the festivites that we went to.  He really got the hang of going door to door to get Candy.  He quickly figured out that "Trick or Treat" was the magic words, followed by a very loud and heartfelt "Tanktoo" (Thank you) 

                                                                     Spiderman a.k.a JJ

                                     My attempt at a drawn on face mask on a very stubborn 2 year old!!!

                                                             Kids helping Kids, precious!!
                                                                     Freakiest Costume!

                                                       He needed a little fuel for the Walk! LOL
                                                          Mama witch and spiderdad!! haha
                                                                               The loot!
                                     I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!!  ....Until next year!!!


Jen said...

cute little Spider those muscles buddy!