Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Rexburg, ID

To Celebrate our Independence Day, Abbey and I took off out west to have a sisters weekend with our Kelsey!!  It was a blast and we loved visiting BYU-ID!!  We were only there from Thursday - Sunday and most of thursday was spent traveling, but we managed to cram as much activities as we could in!  I am so proud of my lil sis, she is just thriving here.  It was great visit not only for the fun aspect, but it also allowed Abbey to visit the campus and see if she too would like to attend!  Love you girls, what a fun trip.  I am looking forward to Kelsey Kels being home in just a few short weeks!
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Southern Reflexions said...

That's the way to do pics!! Are you growing your bangs out??

Brandi said...

Looks like you guys had fun. Sister time is the best. I can't get enough of it. Ya'll are gorgeous, every one of you!!